Naval attack to Mar del Plata - Institutional Navy Argentina 1956

  • hace 5 años
Naval attack to Mar del Plata
Detail: Institutional film made by the Ministry of the Navy. Incomplete material due to the lack of the 2nd roll.
Description of the film: Views of the waves breaking on a wall. Short close-ups taken from a plane where you can see the center of the city of Mar del Plata. Panoramic view of the Provincial Hotel. Views of cars passing through a downtown street. General views of the port of fishermen and men carrying a net on their shoulders. Panoramic view of the Naval Base of submarines. Views of soldiers registering the trunk of a car at the entrance gate. Views of officers observing a map with the attack exercises performed by the combined forces. Short close-ups taken from a plane where the beach is observed. General views of the training of the Marine Infantry in Puerto Belgrano. Views of soldiers going down a network, performing self-defense exercises, crossing through a rope hanging and firing a machine gun in the field. Views of the tactical divers entering the sea and doing a workout in the water. General views of a ship sailing. Views of the sailors doing the cleaning on the deck, working in a workshop with machines, in the bakery kneading and cooking the bread, cutting their hair, resting in the canteen. Views of the Commander-in-Chief of the Sea Fleet, Admiral Ibarbore, accompanied by the Chief of the General Staff observing from the bridge of the flagship the development of the operations. Views of a group of attentive lookouts assigned to the sector. Views of a man playing the anti-aircraft alarm and the machine gun crews running to take their places. Views of the planes in flight. Combat of antiaircraft artillery. Views of a fire drill on the ship. Views of a simulacrum with wounded on the deck of the ship. Stretchers take care of the injured person and transfer him to the ship's infirmary.
Date: 1956
Duration: 9 minutes 2 seconds
Film code: F-01014

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