• 6 years ago
Naina is missing from her home and its been 2 years now. As per her father's complain she was kidnapped by ​her boyfriend Rohan and three others.

17 year old Naina and 21 year old Rohan fell in love with each other years ago. Rohan was her landlord's relative who used to come to that home to meet his maternal sister. His home was in the same locality as Naina's home. As the time flew, their love became stronger. Naina's father was against their relation so he sent Naina to Allahabad to her maternal uncle's home where she carried on with her 12th exams.

The case took near 3 years to solve. According to FIR filed by Preeti's father Devendra Sharma Jai Kidnapped and eloped with Preeti on 10th December 2013. Preeti came back to her home after two year carrying a baby with her. According to Preeti's statement last two years Preeti was captivated by Jai who molest her every day.

After three years when the case again took up by other new police team, they came to know it was all Devendra's master plan who first killed Jai and dumped his body on a Railway track. Then he sent Preeti to his brother-in-law's village with a new name Pooja. After some time Pooja got married to another man Rahul and the baby she is carrying is son of Rahul.


