Thanks to Stumbleupon Members who either reviewed or liked m

  • 16 years ago
So it was more or less the first time I had bothered to check out Stumbleupon for my blog, and man if I had realized how many people had liked this site or reviewed it I would made this video far quicker, so I apologize for that.

But a big big thank you to one and all who took the time to find my blog out of all the Web 2.0 sites and blogs out there, it means a lot to see people support the blog by showing they liked the content, below is the link to the page for you to register your vote if you like my site, as well as a chance for you to check out the other great people who have already done that for me:

Of course, as mentioned if you want to get me to review your sites or blogs via Stumbleupon then email me at:

And if you want to leave further feedback about my online activity then send email to the above address as well
