CROCODELIA 鱷魚迷幻【Worship】官方LIVE版 MV

  • 6年前
海蝶音樂/太合音樂 Taihe Music 頻道



Worship (崇拜)

now i have arrived , no longer in disguise
set up your fire, admire, desire me, worship me
(堆起火, 請崇拜我, 狂戀我)
and cry like a baby child.
you see right through me and i see right through you
(你看見我, 我看穿你)
blind as a bat, sneakily gazing through.
(像蝙蝠一樣瞎, 偷偷的望穿你)
the mirror reflects, such a decent man.
(鏡中的自己, 多麽得體)
fight, by all means fight. i was burried in the sand.
(奮戰, 隨時和我奮戰 我曾經被沙埋著)
when you were at sleep, i was at work.
(當你在睡覺, 我在工作)
making liquid in your head, sewage to your moon.
(創造液體到你的腦袋. 下水道到你的月亮)
pineal gland, third eye awaits. i am your love, hate , sweet pain.
(松果線, 第三隻眼等著阿 我是你的酸甜苦辣)
everything in between your name.
in the southern lane, where all the dreams will scatter away.
(在南方, 所有夢想即將消逝)
and sane, just goes insane.
im awake.

製作人:陳郁夫Yufu Chen
錄音: 陳郁夫Yufu Chen
混音/母帶:陳郁夫Yufu Chen

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