The Amazing Campaign About Free Hugs For Suicide Awareness

  • 6 năm trước
Suicide is a part of life that some have to hear about, some have to experience through the death of a friend or family member, and some have to experience depression that can lead to this alternative end. Suicide affects people worldwide, regardless of class or age.
Sept. 10 was the National World Suicide Prevention Day created by the International Association for Suicide Prevention. IASP asked those all around the world to take a moment at 8:00 p.m. and light a candle near a window in respect for those that have been affected, died or survived suicidal attempts.
Base on this campaign, California Lutheran University also participated in the World Suicide Prevention Day by giving out “free hugs”.
“It was such a humbling experience when I realized that something as small as a hug can really make someone’s day. It made my day just by having the opportunity to put a smile on so may different people’s face,” said people.
Near the flagpole from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. students voluntarily stood around to give anyone a hug in the attempt of changing someone’s day from bad to better or good to great.
Andy Hanson who works for Residence life and Student Conduct Office on campus and voluntarily took this day off, as he has multiple times before to be there to better promote the seriousness of National World Suicide Prevention Day.
“There is no telling the impact you can have in this life by continually giving of yourself. I hope we positively impact as many people as possible,” Hanson said.
Suicide kills 40,000 Americans each year, which is two times more lives than HIV/AIDS takes according to Suicide Awareness Voices of Education, SAVE. Fifteen percent of people that are affected by depression will die from suicide according to SAVE. Depression affects how people feel, behave and think by taking control of their emotions and physical issues. The majority of American’s that are clinically depressed seek psychological help, but for those that do not become more prone to suicide.
It can be difficult to understand the pain that one is feeling that makes them suicidal, but if signs show that they are suicidal, there are ways to prevent it from happening and helping someone get the advice and attention they need. Suicide is an escape for people, it becomes the only way they understand their ability to stop hurting, although they may not truly want to die, they cannot seem to locate an alternative decision.

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