Deep State Canada

  • 6 years ago
Reported on March 1, 2018 by the CBC

The Canadian government is making it up as they are going and failing miserably. This is a direct reaction due to bermuda and my case. The Canadian authorities failed their citizens and now they are waking up to the realities. FRAUD, KIDNAPPING, MURDER, HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS.... Why is this happening now? Because I HAVE ALL THE ACTUAL EVIDENCE OF MY CASE IN bermuda. Now the Ottawa police, michael edelson and the Ontario crown office are trying to import these human rights violations as fact without bermuda....bermuda is not sponsoring any charges. It’s a complete joke how these clowns can act righteous, there has to be something mentally off with these people. You had to hear the bullshit coming out of edelson's mouths at trial, I also caught him lying and stealing, this trial happened on June 20, 21, 2018. bermuda has stopped responding to Canada back in March of 2017. This was when I placed my revised statement of claim against the rcmp and ops in Ontario superior court. Not even 20 days later we had the head of csis and the head of the rcmp fired from their jobs on the same week.

Star Chamber -

Deep State -

If the arresting foreign jurisdiction cares for information on any Canadian citizen.... then that foreign justification needs to share with the Canadian law enforcement the evidence that they have against said Canadian citizen or citizens. The liberals are looking to create a one way street of information flow.

All foreign jurisdictions will never share any "evidence" with Canadian law enforcement, because they do not need too...

No accountability for Canadian citizens... your passports and citizenship are worthless.

Reported on April 10, 2018 - The 'hidden' piece of the Liberal crime bill: police may get to skip court -


