Programa Kooperasaun Defeza Austrália nian orgullu hodi suporta kursu treinamentu pasifikasaun ho kualidade kapás ne’ebé maka organiza hosi Sentru ba Treinament

  • há 6 anos
Programa Kooperasaun Defeza Austrália nian orgullu hodi suporta kursu treinamentu pasifikasaun ho kualidade kapás ne’ebé maka organiza hosi Sentru ba Treinamentu Operasaun Apoio ba Paz nian iha Metinaro. Iha etapa ikus treinamentu nian, membru F-Fdtl Falintil sira servisu hamutuk ho ema sivíl no polísia sira hodi prátika situasaun ida bainhira ema sivíl sira hetan ameasa. Atividade ida ne’e maka parte ida hosi treinamentu iha semana neen nia laran no refleta F-FDTL sira-nia komitmentu ba partisipasaun iha Nasoens Unidas nia Misaun Apoiu ba Paz iha futuru. Parabens ba imi hotu ne’ebé mak involve!
Australia’s Defence Cooperation Program was proud to support an excellent training course on Peacekeeping run by the Centre for Training to Support Peacekeeping Operations in Metinaro. In the final stage of the training this month, F-FDTL members worked with local civilians and police to practise for situations where civilians may be threatened. The exciting activity was a culmination of their six weeks of training and reflects the F-FDTL’s commitment to future participation in United Nations Peacekeeping Mission. Well done to all involved!