"Success" Comes From Understanding The Power of "Why"

  • 16 years ago

Success in life or business comes from understanding Your Why. If you arent connected to your WHY or your reason for doing what you do, then nothing else matters

In my personal experience mentoring and coaching new entrepreneurs for success, I see the ones that have the most success are not the ones with the best skills or greatest talents, but those who are fundamentally connected to their goals for success

And the ones who fail are those who have no clear set of goals and dont know WHY they are in business. Typically their goals are fuzzy ideas in their head! They will never achieve Success!

Anthony Robbins, Jim Rohn & all the great success coaches taught us that your WHY or your GOALS are the things that drive us forward. It's the fuel that powers your engine through the day. Personally I start my day by reviewing my goals EVERY single day

If you dont review your goals daily, you'll forget them. Review them each day and they become hardwired into your brain so much that you could tell someone what they were any time you were asked. You will then have success

You must also get clear on WHY they are so important. Dont just have goals fot the sake of them. You must know what they will mean to you when you achieve them and WHY they are so important for your success.

Conversely, understand the pain of not achiving those goals..

1. What will it feel like to not achieve your goals
2. How much of a failure will you feel like if you get to the end of your life and you didnt achieve your full potential

Goal setting is something we've all read about and studied, yet 90% of entrepreneurs dont review their goals daily and its one of the big reasons why they are not achieving the success they desire

If you want to become success ful make $100,000 per year or more, then take the first hour of your day to include some goal setting / reviewing in your personal development

And I guarantee I will see YOU at the top