10 Months Update - (Melting Pot of Shrimps) NO filter, NO CO2, NO Ferts 5 Gallon Nano Tank

  • 6 yıl önce
This is 10 months update. The fish are called Sparkling or Pygmy gourami.
Mixed shrimp tank isn’t really recommended. The babies will become wild shrimp color, clear and brownish.

The reason I did is b/c the gouramis will eat any new born shrimplets.

CRS are very sensitive to water parameters. I would only put them in a completely established tank. Probably over 3 months old tank, and temps below 26°C (79°F).

9 months update
8 months update
7 months update
6 months update
5 months update
4 months update
3 months update:
2 months update:
The setup video:

NO filter, NO CO2, NO Ferts Planted Tank Series:

This is a Walstad Method tank. The credit goes to Diana Walstad for publishing the organic soil substrate method.

Check out her book in the link below if interested.
The book I read to make this aquarium:
Ecology of the Planted Aquarium by Diana Walstad(Hard cover)
Ecology of the Planted Aquarium by Diana Walstad(digital)
4.6 gallon low iron rimless tank
5.4 gallon low iron rimless tank
50W heater
Heater cover so plants won't get burned
Tiny thermometer
Magnetic thermometer
(I'm using the tiny thermometer with a small rubber band to hold it in its place.)

Mini round shape magnet scrubber
Miracle gro organic choice potting mix
2~3mm gravel 20lb bag
2~3mm gravel 5lb bag

Aquarium scissors
Aquarium Tweezers
TetraMin Flakes (gourami and shrimp food)

Camera: LG v10 (manual mode) stock app
Clip 3 in 1 lens photo kit. I used the macro lens for close up shots.

Vegas Pro 15

The Best Growing Plants in this tank:
1. Ceratophyllum demersum (hornwort)
2. Duckweed
3. Azolla imbricate (mosquito fern)
4. Najas Guadalupensis (guppy grass)
5. Bacopa caroliniana
6. Ludwigia Sp. Mini Super Red

The rest:
Hemianthus glomeratus (pearl grass)
Egeria densa (Anachris)
Didiplis diandra
Rotala rotundifolia (indica)
Dwarf hairgrass


Erik Satie
Gnossiennes 1 played by Edward Rosser
Gnossienne 5 Wikimedia Commons - La Pianista
Gnossienne 2 played by Fenixian soundcloud.com/fenixian/gnossienne-n-2
