Simple Mooo Cookies! - They look like the spots of a cow ;)

  • 6 years ago
Oh, the memories! My mum always used to make the “Kuh Kekse” literally “cow cookies” for us as little kids so often… Sigh… This recipe is great with kids as they can “help” and make different shapes and all that jazz. But I get why my mum made these so often. They look great and are really fast to get done. I think you can guess why I called these mooooo cookies. :D

250gr butter/margarine | a bit more than 1 cup
125gr powdered sugar | 2,5 cups
500gr flour | 3,5 cups
2 tbsp cacao
How to make it
1. Add all the ingredients into a bowl. *Butter needs to be at room temperature
2. Knead until you got a soft dough.
3. Separate into two equal pieces.
4. Add cacao to one of the pieces and knead until it is dark brown.
5. Take equal pieces of both doughs and form a little dome.
6. Bake for 15-20 minutes at 160C / 320 F, while checking the bottom of the cookie.

*Careful the cookie doesn’t take a lot of color. Check the bottom. If it has taken a bit of color get them out. The cookies might be soft for a bit but they’ll harden when they are cooled down.
*Bake your cookies shorter to have them super soft.

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