Questions LGBTQ+ people are tired of hearing | Munroe Bergdorf, Juno Dawson, Lottie L'Amour

  • 5 years ago
While you might think our society is pretty progressive and inclusive when it comes to sexuality and gender identity, we definitely have a long way to go. LGBTQ+ people still face a shocking rate of hate crime, 12 per cent of trans employees have been physically attacked by a colleague or customer in the last year, and 42% of uni students hide the fact they're LGBTQ+ because they're in fear of discrimination.

Straight and non-trans voices are typically given much more space online, and this only contributes to the idea that straight's 'the norm' and anything else is 'other'. In our new video #AskMeThisNotThis, watch LGBTQ+ people explain what tired (and often offensive, and ignorant) questions they're sick of being asked. Instead, there's a fair few things they'd rather talk about.

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