Doctor Who 'The Magician's Apprentice' Review

  • 5 years ago
Doctor Who aficionado Morgan Jeffery gives his verdict on the series 9 premiere 'The Magician's Apprentice'.

Doctor Who returns for it's ninth series, and second with the twelfth Doctor Peter Capaldi. The series will see the return of Missy (Michelle Gomez), Davros (Julian Bleach) and River Song (Alex Kingston) in the Christmas special, but it will be the last for current companion Clara (Jenna Coleman) who has announced that she will be leaving at the end of the year.

Morgan will be back next week to review episode two, 'The Witch's Familiar'

Episode synopsis:
Peter Capaldi returns as the Doctor for another series of time-travelling exploits. However, as this first adventure begins, it seems the Time Lord has gone missing - which is bad news for Earth, as a mysterious alien force has frozen the skies. Clara needs to find her friend - but where is he and what is he hiding from? Things soon become clear with the appearance of a familiar old enemy with a black hat and Scottish accent.

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