• 6 years ago
2/4 AUDIO ONLY Taken from the CD The house that Jack and Jill built This is a selection of songs for very young children. Humpty dumpty/ Baa baa black sheep/ Hickory dickory dock/ Oh dear! What can the matter be?/ Yankee Doodle/ I had a little nut tree. I have used the colours of the rainbow in the titling to let the children know when it will come to an end.. and to use as a bargaining tool when letting them know its coming to an end and its time for bed. I have sung the songs in the way that I sing all songs and not in a toddlerese voice, as I know the effect that had on me when I listened to songs with my children. A lot of the versions of the words I got from the 78s that I had as a child. It was a disc with a small hole just at the edge of the label and you had to turn it with a knitting needle. Obviously you couldnt keep it at a constant speed so I was amazed when we got a powered record player that it sounded consistent and audible.
