Russia World Cup review: expert's analysis

  • 6 years ago
Five weeks... and 64 matches.
The 2018 Russia World Cup was the usual tale of extreme highs and depressing lows for everyone except for the winners, France.... who are still celebrating late into the night across Paris and the lucky ones that were in Moscow.
South Korea were eliminated in the group stage,... but went out with a bang with an amazing win over the 2014 World Cup winners, Germany.
We thought we'd take a look back at the highs and lows of the tournament with Paul Neat, Content Provider for K-League-dot-com and citizen columnist for K League United.
Paul, thanks for coming in to see us.

1. Let's start with the final. France versus Croatia. Quite the thrilling match. All things being said,... do you think France were the worthy winners of the tournament... they faced some tough teams along the way.... ?

2. It was a World Cup of surprises with many powerhouses eliminated early. Which teams surprised you with how well they did... And on the flip side,.. which nations had a tournament to forget?

3. Let's talk about South Korea. Two defeats and one victory in the group stage before flying home. I don't think anyone expected them to make it to the round of 16, but do you think they did themselves proud?

4. Going forward from here, what do you think South Korea have to do to improve before the 2022 World Cup in Qatar? And do you think there are a decent crop of young players coming through that can take South Korea to the next level in four years?

Ok, Paul. thanks for coming in to see us. The fun is over for another four years but hopefully Qatar 2022 will be just as exciting as what we got to enjoy in Russia.