Imi ba haree tiha ona aprezentasaun, atividades no baraka oioin iha Ezibisaun Asisténsia Australia nian nebe foin lalais hala’o iha fulan ida ne’e iha Timor-Pla

  • há 6 anos
Imi ba haree tiha ona aprezentasaun, atividades no baraka oioin iha Ezibisaun Asisténsia Australia nian nebe foin lalais hala’o iha fulan ida ne’e iha Timor-Plaza? Se karik imi la ba, entaun haree video ne’e atu hatene kona-ba oinsa Australia ho Timor-Leste servisu hamutuk kona-ba dezenvolvimentu.
Did you see all the exciting performances, activities and stalls at the Australian Aid Expo this month? If you missed our event at Timor Plaza, take a look at this video to learn more about how Australia and Timor-Leste cooperate on development.
