Story of Elmo Lightning Mcqueen rescue Disney toy town Green Goblin Dinosaurs Imagination play cars

  • 6 years ago
All the disney charers are in trouble when big bad dinosaurs, a mean tiger and a rog transformer surround them. Under the command of the evil green goblin. \r
Alex the Lion, king of jungle wants to rescue the day, along with Tarzan on his gorilla. Everyone gets happy and starts chanting for Alex , but he realizes quickly being king of the jungle isnt enough to take on this gang. Many others volunteer.\r
From among them rise a little singer. He has a good idea, I can boor everyone to boredom with one single song. He tries but he fools no one. The mean green dinosaur gets him. Puts him in his mouth, and throws him out and away.\r
At last from nowhere a big. In f, a giant Elmo riding no other then our hero Lightning Mcqueen springs to ion. He takes on the tiger and dinosaur, puts them all out of operation. Teaches them a lesson that they can never forget. All the bad guys runs for their lifes . Elmo and his car save the day. We hope you like our story we made up with our toddler sons toys


