20 Unbelievable Foods that People Eat

  • 6 years ago
People eat strange food all over the world, whether its tradition or preference here are 20 of the most unbelievable foods that people eat!\r
10 - Waste not, want not… \r
This snot looking dish is called Natto, and once again we find ourselves in Japan. What Natto ually is, is fermented soybeans! Many enjoy it for breakfast with a bit of soy sauce, but it def. requires an acquired taste. \r
9 - Death by Fish… \r
What a way to go, but chefs preparing this highly poisonous pufferfish, also called Fugu, have to be exceptionally careful. Only highly trained chefs are allowed by Japanese law, to prepare this fish. They are so dangerous, that people have died preparing them. \r
8 - Eat your heart out… \r
So we head to Vietnam for our next dish, which is almost too gross to believe. A living cobra is sliced open, its beating heart removed and eaten at once. The bile and blood are then drained into a small glass with some rice wine, and washed down after the heart. \r
7 - We all scream for ice-cream… \r
But maybe not this ice-cream! This is Alaskan Ice-cream, which is not the usual creamy, delicious sweet stuff you have come to love. Its made with reindeer fat, seal oil, snow, ground up fish and some berries. Also known as Eskimo ice-cream, each family generally has their own variation on it, which has been passed down for generations. \r
6 - Population control… \r
Rats are ually quite a common food to enjoy if you live in Vietnam, Malawi and even Kenya. The rats are either salted or dried, or prepared in a stew. In India, every year on the 7th of March – a remote village celebrates an unusual festival, where rats take the culinary limelight. A stew is made using the rats stomach, liver, intestines, testes, tails and legs – add some salt, chili and ginger – and dinner is served.\r
5 - Good for the brain… \r
Try this unusual fried-brain sandwich, made with calfs brains on freshly sliced bread. Apparently it was quite common in Missouri in the USA, but that was before Mad Cow Disease was a worry. If you are desperate to try it though, you can still head to Ohio River Valley, where they deep fry them and serve them like burgers. El Salvador and Mexico use beef brains in their tacos and burritos – so just be aware! \r
4 - This is no eggsaeration! \r
Lets visit Dongyang in China, where you will find dozens of egg vendors across the city. These egg vendors sell what is known as Virgin Boy Eggs. How do you make these you may ask, and its good to remember if you ever visit China. The vendors head to the local schools, and collect the boy pupils urine in buckets. The boys have to be below the age of 10, and the eggs are soaked in the urine and then cooked. The smell is pretty intense, and they believe it has incredible health benefits. \r
3 - Fun to eat… \r
Thats how some people have explained Sea Urchin. Another restaurant claims to literally get them in and are gone within seconds! The urchin is cracked open, and the spines are still moving whilst youre eating! They say it moves for 30 minutes, and has been described as tasting like the deepest parts of the ocean. \r
2 - An Eco-friendly option…\r
Researchers believe that the tradition of eating mosquito eggs in Mexico is going to spread pretty rapidly, as an eco-friendlier way of feeding our every growing population. Already they are available in Denmark, and are dried out and then roasted before eating. \r
1 - Strength of a bear… \r
Thats what you will receive if you eat bear paws… well only if you live in China and ually believe that tale. However, its quite problematic, and bear paws are smuggled in to the country and its the very wealthy that are purchasing them. Said to taste like pork, but not greasy and prepared in a stew, steamed or put in soups.
