• 5 years ago
BalconyTV Barcelona Sponsored By//

Estrella Damm

Views// Ohla Hotel

JORDI LANUZA performs the song "CONTINUAR" for BalconyTV.

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Jordi Lanuza, una figura reconeguda del panorama musical com a part del grup Inspira, inicia un projecte personal en solitari que deixa clar que estem davant de patrimoni viu de la música d'aquest país. Jordi compta amb tres instruments que junts formen una combinació realment única. El primer és la seva veu, personal i inimitable. Dos, una guitarra d'acords rics, plens de matisos i que arrisquen. Per últim, les melodies que els acompanyen, tan característiques per la seva capacitat per a recórrer camins inesperats i intimistes; de pell de gallina. Els tres instruments estan presents i en forma a "Com a casa" (Bankrobber, 2018), un disc sense artificis en el qual Jordi Lanuza ens obre la porta a la seva ànima musical.

Jordi Lanuza, a well-known songwriter as part of the band Inspira, is presenting his solo project and it is clear that we’re talking about a national treasure. Jordi features three different instruments that blend into a unique mix. First of all, his voice, with such a personal, one-of-a-kind tone. Secondly, a guitar craft that produces rich and deep chords that set the background for his music. Finally, he creates melodic patterns that are fittingly characteristic and walk unexpected and introspective roads. Those three instruments have a strong presence in 'Com a casa' (English: 'Like home') (Bankrobber, 2018), his first solo album that opens the door to his most inner soul.

Production and Direction: clicksound
Sound & Audio post-production: David Garcia
Video: clicksound

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