You Don't Have To Be Great, To Start, But You Have To Start, To Be Great
  • 6 years ago
# Yo yo my steemies, wattup?

# This is obaphet, comin atcha, on the tube set.

## Are you waiting for the perfect time to start something new?

### Is your best excuse, not to, actually your best reason, to?

### In this vlog, I talk about why it's better to do something imperfectly, than to do nothing perfectly.

## Peace.

### If you've enjoyed this vlog, and would like to see more of my work, be sure to check out my previous vlogs, in the links below.

[How to Deal With Those Socially Awkward, Moments Of Silence](

[It's The Little Things That Count](

[What It Means To Be A Content Creator](

[Are You Saying Yes, In German, Or Laughing In Spanish?](

[7 Chakras In 7 Days](

[Let There Be Light!](

[It's Better To Ditch Your Shit, Than Lose Your Shit.](

[ eamaustralia Special News Update - Karaoke Fundraiser

[Going Beyond The Five Senses](

[Words Have Value. What Are Yours Worth?](

## Introducing steemit To Your Friends (Prospecting Videos)

[Prospecting Video](

[Prospecting Video - Instructions](

## Beginners LUCK = Labouring Under Correct Knowledge

[Part 1]( Intro.

[Part 2]( To Vote, or Not To Vote

[Part 3]( [Steemit Worldmap](

[Part 4]( Curation, The Community of Quality

[Part 5]( Your Intro Blog, and Vlogging on tube

[Part 6]( Finding Your Krewe (Community)

[Part 7]( Vlogging on tube

[Part 8]( Stepping Out

[Part 9]( Personal Branding

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