Is Star Wars Actually Good

  • 6 years ago
Hello, friends. Continuing my trend of climbing on the bandwagon after everyone else has left, I will now share a semi-serious view of Star Wars as a franchise. I run a critical/wonky eye over the overall film canon, talk about some of the big elements of these films, and give my overall impression of the worth of Star Wars. If you don't want to actually watch a whole video, just skip to the last 30 seconds or so to get my actual answer. I wouldn't blame you. 20 minute videos? Who has time for that?

I wanted to finish this video this week as I am going on an Asian holiday next week, so my next video will either be delayed for a few weeks, or forever if I die over there. Hopefully it will be much shorter and funnier as well, with a lot more crazy editing nonsense. Assuming I don't die.

Intro Music :

