The Truth on the Secret: The Missing Key to the Law of Attrion

  • 6 years ago
Hi. Welcome back to another video. In this one, I want to share with you the missing link to the idea of the secret, or the law of attrion. The reason I want to do this is because one of the most common things I see with this is a misunderstanding with thinking that all we have to do is think a certain way, focus on a certain thing, and then itll be brought into our life experience. Beyond just that, I want to give you a scenario, like understanding an example that can really help us understand why its more important to look at it from a new point of view. You could have a guy, for example, who wants to manifest a Lamborghini into his life experience, so he might sit on his couch for a couple hours a day, and just sit there thinking about a Lamborghini. He might focus on it, and the thing is, is he might go out later in the day, and he might see more Lamborghinis around because his RAS, the reticular ivating system in his brain, what he focuses on, is pulling more of those so that he sees them, but he might not ually pull it into his reality unless he understands that its more than just that.\r
Thats what Im going to be sharing with you today. Its understanding that more so important than just what we think about is our beliefs about what we think to be true. Whatever we believe to be true will always be reflected back to us, so that guy thats sitting there thinking about a Lamborghini, if he doesnt think hes worthy of it, and he doesnt think that he can ually have it, doesnt matter how much he thinks about it because his beliefs will negate it ually happening in his life. Theres another part of this. A necessary part of this process is understanding that we must take massive ion to get what we want in our life. Why is massive ion so important? What massive ion does or just ion is understanding that when we take ion, what we do are open up opportunities. We open up pathways for what we want to happen to ually flow into our life experience.\r
If that guy just sits on the couch thinking about it but hes not ually taking any ion, its not as likely that he will ually bring it into his life experience because hes not taking massive ion, and he doesnt even believe that he can have it. He doesnt believe hes worthy of it, and he doesnt believe it could even come into his life experience. The key to this is understanding that we can change what we believe to be true by getting to the core of how we think the way we do. Understand this. Most of what we believe to be true was brought into our life, or was a part of our life very early on. Between the ages of when were born to about the age of 11, most of what we believe to be true is formed, and this happens through one of two ways. Its either one, through what our parents believe to be true, so a lot of times we will absorb the beliefs and thoughts of our parents, a lot of times at subconscious levels, but the other part of this is understanding that there are certain reference experiences that weve had that give us and shape the way we see the world.\r
For example, if you go to school maybe in kindergarten and somebody steps on your toe, and bullies you, the idea is that you might then start to believe that youre unworthy, or start to believe that people are always out to get you. If you develop and continue to perpetuate that, therell be time and time again in life experience where that reflects back because thats the belief about who that person is. The point of this is understanding that if we get to the core of why we think the way we do, and all we have to do is simply ask a question, what would I have to believe is true to perpetuate this pattern over and over again? Maybe if youre a girl or woman for example, and you find yourself in the same situation with a guy, even though its a different guy, maybe a similar type pattern, maybe a guy doesnt treat you right, and then you get into a new relationship and its the same type of thing. That could be because at some level, when you were younger, either maybe you saw your dad treat your mom that way, or you had a referenced experience where somebody treated you a certain way, and you dont feel yourself as worthy, and thats what you think you deserve. Therefore, that pattern keeps being perpetuated over and over again.\r
Heres one of the best parts about this, is if you simply become aware of what that pattern was, of what that referenced experience was, the moment that you identify what it is, it goes away. Thats simply because when you become aware of what it is, you simply realize that that was one perspective that you had. \r
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