LEGO DUPLO Big City Hospital Saves Bob the Builder with Ambulance

  • 6 years ago
Toys Lego Duplo video for kids. Bob the Builder builds a Hospital of Lego Duplo toys. A kids adventurewith Duplo Man and Bob the Builder in duplovillage. This stop motion video is created with lots of toys Lego Duplo blocks. A funwith our new hero duploman. \r
Toys of the famous Carsare also in Duplos village, they are having a normal day and the Cars 2 are watching how Bob The Builder is building a new Duplo Hospital where the doctors can work and park the ambulance. This new hospital is created with duplo bricks. While building the hospital, bob the builder falls off! Who will be able to save him? Lets call our hero of new, DUPLO MAN!\r
A funin stop motion with lego duplo toys for kids, children will have a great time watching the stories of Duplo Man