Richard Feynman on What It Means

  • 6 years ago
The key was somehow to know what was important and what was not important, what was exciting, because I cant learn everything. - Richard Feynman in 1966\r
Hear more interview outtakes and learn more about Richard Feynman\r
If you dont really have a head for math and science, physics may be the most intimidating subject of them all. Its space and time, the make-up of the entire universe - incredibly abstr and mind-bending stuff, and enough to make a lot of students throw in the towel. And thats where Professor Richard Feynman really made his mark - of course he did all kinds of groundbreaking work, like his theory of quantum electrodynamics…. he proposed the parton model in the field of particle physics… was even part of the atomic bomb project.\r
But he was also an amazing teacher, this dynamic and charismatic lecturer who made physics fun. He was one of those rare people who not only naturally understood math and science - he was ually able to make other people understand it too. And like it.\r
Starting in 1966, science historian Charles Weiner interviewed Richard Feynman as part of a big oral history project at the American Institute of Physics. Recording hours of conversation, Weiner captured the details of Feynmans entire career, his whole life. In those hours, Feynman talked about his earliest memories - what and who shaped the world-famous physicist - and teacher hed later become. And most influential of all…. a man who was neither a scientist nor a mathematician - a man who didnt even have any formal education - his dad.\r
As part of our special , The Experimenters -- uncovering interviews with the icons of science, technology, and innovation -- we found this interview with Feynman in the archives of the American Institute of Physics. \r
Support for thiscomes from PRX and The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation\r
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