When the DMEC told us to work harder to reduce time to treatment and boost the number of patients treated within an hour of injury, we knew the stakes were high. If early TXA treatment reduces death and disability after TBI but we fail to show this because we are recruiting too late, this would be a major medical disaster that would deprive millions of TBI patients of a lifeline to recovery.
How can we reduce time to treatment? To answer this question we turned to the doctors and nurses who have made this trial a success. We found that some hospitals had consistently shorter treatment times despite similar pre-hospital times. So we visited these sites, we met with the teams, we watched how they work, we collected data. We now know the three key steps to reducing time to treatment. Please see this short video (less than 2 minutes) to find out what they are.
Please share this video with your trial team. Knowing the steps is one thing but only you and your teams can put them into practice. Thank you again for your support for the CRASH-3 trial.
How can we reduce time to treatment? To answer this question we turned to the doctors and nurses who have made this trial a success. We found that some hospitals had consistently shorter treatment times despite similar pre-hospital times. So we visited these sites, we met with the teams, we watched how they work, we collected data. We now know the three key steps to reducing time to treatment. Please see this short video (less than 2 minutes) to find out what they are.
Please share this video with your trial team. Knowing the steps is one thing but only you and your teams can put them into practice. Thank you again for your support for the CRASH-3 trial.