Climber Rescued on Pakistan’s ‘Killer Mountain,’ but Another Is in Peril

  • 6 years ago
Climber Rescued on Pakistan’s ‘Killer Mountain,’ but Another Is in Peril
28, 2018
KARACHI, Pakistan — An elite climbing team rescued a French mountain climber on Sunday from the treacherous Himalayan peak known as "Killer Mountain," in Pakistan’s northeast,
but her Polish climbing partner remains in peril after efforts to reach him were at least temporarily abandoned.
The extreme weather conditions — winds of more than 50 miles (80 kilometers) an hour
and a wind chill nearing minus 80 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 62 degrees Celsius) — forced the rescue team to postpone any plans to ascend further to search for Mr. Mackiewicz.
Muhammad Ehtasham Amir said that The rule for funding is
that whoever wants a recovery mission, before we can even leave, must deposit a certain amount of funding,
This was Mr. Mackiewicz’s seventh attempt at scaling Nanga Parbat, after winter expeditions
the previous years on the same mountain, and his third on Nanga Parbat with Ms. Revol.
The rescue mission, carried out by a team of private climbers, was delayed in part
because the Pakistani military declined to arrange for a helicopter until funds for its operation were guaranteed, as is common practice for complicated rescue missions in the country’s northern mountains.
Ms. Revol continued down the mountain alone and called for help from a satellite phone,
and she was eventually met by two members of a four-person rescue team flown to the mountain’s base camp on Saturday.
