Wahdahu La Sharika Lahu | By Younus AlGohar

  • 6 years ago
Sayedi Younus AlGohar explains the meaning of 'Wahdahu La Sharika Lahu'.

Main Points:

- One meaning of this is God is one and there is no partner with God. However, this is quite ambiguous and people have derived strange meanings out of this. What does it mean by there is no partner with God? For example, if two people are sitting watching TV together, it is an activity being done by two people at the same time so it can be said that they are partners in this activity. However, if it is said that I am seeing through your eyes and you are walking with my legs, it doesn’t make any sense but if it did make sense then you and I would be partners in our being. Therefore, we cannot say there is a partner in the being of God.

- When we say ‘Everything comes from God and shall return to God’ it has the same kind of meaning of ‘Wahdahu La Sharika Lahu’- meaning, human beings are like a drop and God’s being is like an ocean. Human beings are a drop from that ocean. Through Spirituality, when human beings are able to enlighten the Spiritual Heart and purify the Carnal Self, reaches Maqam-e-Mehmood and sees God, then at that time the soul, which is the reality of human beings, becomes submerged in the Divine Light, as a result of which Divine Union takes place.

- So, when God says ‘Wahdahu’, it means for the drop which came out of the ocean should reunite with the ocean. You and I become one. God and man become one spiritually; an esoteric union is formed. And the reality of man joins the reality of God. Talluq Billah is formed. And ‘la sharika lahu’ means if the drop is not from me then there may be the talk of ‘partnership’. However, since there was nothing except God then how can anything which came into existence not be from God? And if there is nothing which is not from God then ‘shirk’ is not possible.

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