English Speaking Price | How to improve your English Speaking and Fluency: SHADOWING

  • 7 years ago
English Speaking Price: How to improve your English Speaking and Fluency: SHADOWING\r
League EES: \r
What is shadowing? I define it as training for English fluency. shadowing is a good way to improve your pronunciation, accent and speaking as well as rhythm. It gets your mouth moving, and your ears paying attention to English.\r
Regardless of whether its the best way to improve English speaking or not, to get good at speaking English youre going to have to do some hard work.\r
And shadowing is no different.\r
People often come to me asking how can I improve spoken English? Do I need people around me to prise?\r
The answer is no.\r
This lesson is going to show you how to learn to speak English NOW, even if you dont have anybody to speak with. \r
Understand that speaking has to be learnt physically.\r
It is important to get a lot of English speaking price. Actually, speak English. Actually, move your mouth. If you dont move your mouth when you learn, pronunciation will be hard. Which means speaking will be hard.\r
There is a problem .\r
If you dont live in an English speaking country, youd probably say .\r
But this isnt an English speaking country -- how can I get a lot of English speaking price?\r
I dont mean English conversation price.\r
I mean the same type of price that gets you good at riding a bike. Raw, repetitive price.\r
English speaking price. Training your mouth to speak English easily, and fluently.\r
English speaking price is much easier than you probably think.\r
You dont need other people to price your English speaking skills. \r
Just use your listening materials!\r
The important part is the CD, but the book also has an important use.\r
A summary of the shadowing technique I describe in the video:\r
- Listen to the book as many times as you can.\r
- Read the book and check any words you dont know in your dictionary.\r
- Listen to the book again.\r
- Listen and read (out loud!) the book together. Price section by section until you get really good at it.\r
- Shadow the CD without the book.\r
Its a really good idea to record yourself doing this too, so you can tell where youre making pronunciation mistakes.\r
By the way, Prise is the British spelling of price. \r
Check this video lesson: Are you in the price of prising English every day? Price and Prise
