Ex-USA Gymnastics doctor sentenced to 175 years for sexual abuse

  • 6 years ago
Former USA Gymnastics team doctor Larry Nassar has been sentenced to 40 to 175 years in prison for sexually abusing young female gymnasts under the guise of medical treatment.
Ro Aram has the details.
The sentencing followed days of harrowing accounts from about 160 of Larry Nassar's victims.
They include some of America's top gymnasts, including gold medalists Aly Raisman, Simone Biles and many others.
On Wednesday, after a week-long trial, Nassar pleaded guilty to 10 counts of sexual assault against girls and young women.
The presiding judge proudly read out her ruling, saying it was her privilege.

"Sir, I'm giving you a 175 years which is 21-hundred months. I just signed your death warrant... I find that you don't get it. That you're a danger. You remain a danger."

She added his actions were "precise, calculated, manipulative, devious and despicable."
To add to Nassar's woes, before serving the Michigan sentence, the 54-year-old must first serve a 60-year federal sentence for child pornography crimes.
He is also scheduled to be sentenced next week on more assault convictions in Michigan's Eaton County.
Nassar turned to the courtroom gallery to make a brief statement, saying that the victims' accounts had shaken him to his core and that "no words" could describe how sorry he was for his crimes.
But judge Aquilina read a letter that Nassar had written to her that raised questions about whether he was truly remorseful.
The courtroom gasped when she read a passage, in which Nassar accused his accusers of fabricating allegations to get money and fame and that he had been manipulated into admitting his guilt.
The scandal’s impact is far from over, with prominent gymnasts castigating USA Gymnastics for knowing about the abuses, but failing to act.
The president of Michigan State University, where Nassar worked, is also under pressure to resign.
Ro Aram, Arirang News.
