The Guardian, Britain’s Left-Wing News Power, Goes Tabloid

  • 6 years ago
The Guardian, Britain’s Left-Wing News Power, Goes Tabloid
15, 2018
LONDON — The Guardian, the British newspaper that won a Pulitzer Prize for its coverage of national security leaks in the United States
but whose aggressive international expansion has brought heavy losses, switched to a tabloid print format on Monday as part of efforts to cut costs.
David Pemsel, the chief executive of Guardian Media Group, declined on Monday to specify how much could be saved by the shift to a more compact format, but said the figure was in the millions, adding
that "to the bottom line, it’s significant." By April, The Guardian is expected to have reduced its operating losses to £25 million, with the goal of breaking even in 2018-19.
The move cost £80 million, because The Guardian was the only British newspaper to print in
that size and it had to construct new printing sites in London and Manchester with specially commissioned printing presses.
It has ardently refused to set up a paywall — the preferred strategy of many of its rivals, from The Times of London to The Wall Street Journal
and The New York Times — opting instead to ask its readers for donations, even setting up a nonprofit arm to help fund its journalism.
Now, it will move to a tabloid format and will be published on printing presses owned by Trinity Mirror, the British publishing company
that owns The Daily Mirror, a traditional left-wing tabloid.