• 5 years ago
LEAH NOBEL performs the song "MONTPELIER" for BalconyTV.
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Writes and creates original music.

It sounds like: contemporary pop with neo-folk influences sprinkled on top. Yum!

Owns and controls her impressive catalog of songs.

Songs run the gamut from heartbreaking and poignant to flirty and poppy.

Performs her music with her 7 -piece band based out of Austin, Texas.

She also does solo and duet work.

Makes albums.

She's got 3 studio records under her belt, she's worked with Grammy- Award- Winning Producer Mark Prentice, AND she's currently working on her next project!

Does music licensing for TV and Film.

Her original song 'How To Behave' was featured on the hit CINEMAX series The Girl's Guide To Depravity.

Works as a model.

She has training and experience in both runway and commercial print.

Also works as an actor

She has training and experience in theater, improv comedy, voice-over, commercials, TV, and film.

Leah lives in Austin, Texas with her dog, Maximo. If she's not working or making music, she's probably napping or cooking dinner for friends.


Kindly sponsored by Kilted Kingpin Studios. www.youtube.com/user/KiltedKingPinStudios
Audio and video production by Capital Media Corp. Austin, TX
Producer - Joe Lynch. Sound Engineer - Nick Smith

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