• 5 years ago
FAREWELL FLIGHT performs the song "SCARECROW" for BalconyTV.
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Farewell Flight is a melodic indie-pop band from the heart of Central Pennsylvania, living what at times feels like a Bruce Springsteen song: where farm boys and sons of blue collar factory workers abandon college pursuits and steady jobs to chase down the dream of rock stardom on a level that no musician ever openly admits to, a goal they hope to begin to accomplish with the Nashville-based record label, Mono vs. Stereo. Alternating between guitar and piano, singer Luke Foley is joined by bassist Brian Miller, lead guitarist Rabbit Campbell, and drummer Caleb Allensworth. The band strives to impact others with intelligent yet relatable lyrics and smart song structures, often evoking the response from listeners, 'How is this not already a song?' These anthems of personal failure and redeeming triumphs are presented with an impassioned and sweeping live performance that resonates with any crowd, especially if they've had a few drinks.


The Record Shop, The Hard Rock Cafe, Audio Technica, Best Buy, Eagle Parking
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