The mainstream of science and society.

  • 7 years ago
The mainstream of science and society.

Miroslaw Magola alias Magnetic Man is a painter, writer, meditation teacher, and more, engaged in bringing human magnetism into the mainstream of neuroscience ( or neurobiology ) and society.

Meditation is a wonderful thing; it helps us to concentrate better, to overcome pain, eliminates fear, strengthens our immune system, helps us to relieve stress, stabilizes
emotions, and allows intense introspection. Buddha teaches three levels of consciousness: listening, thinking, and meditating. In the first stage the sensory perception hearing is
sharpened, and consequently the rational examination, thinking, follows in the second stage. The subsequent third stage, which the present text deals with, is meditating.

I want to introduce you to the form of meditation that I practice, which makes things possible that are desirable for all people. The word meditation comes from the Latin "meditatio" meaning contemplation, and the root word "medias" meaning center. We try to stabilize our own rational, emotional and spiritual center through meditation. But meditation can induce much more than just relaxation. There is a variety of techniques, such as unleashing of more zest for life or creativity, or to control emotions or to activate the self-healing powers.

Neuroscientists have examined the brains of meditators using computer tomography and came up with interesting results. There were a significant increase of low-frequency alpha
and theta waves during the meditative state detected. These are associated with the activities of the subconscious and emotional processes. For this reason meditation is ideal for on when we are looking to access our inner world and our subconscious.
