Swedish Death Metal Singer Pukes During Performance

  • 7 yıl önce
Take a hint dude! Your music is SO bad it makes YOU puke? Imagine how the rest of us feel! lolI was standing in Skitzo's "Splash Zone"

Chilean Death Metal band IMPIOUS VOMIT playing live at "The Ancient Ritual I" (04-07-2015) in Talca, Chile. OFFICIAL WEB-SITE: ...

Torturepoint singer pukes 3 times during one song. Sound quality is poor (sorry). Band's myspace: /torturepoint.

Amputated - Live at Mountains of Death 2011 - Songs: 1. Anally Disembowelded 2. Dead Hungry 3. Repugnant Genital Deformity 4. Dripping Ovipositor 5.