1.5 million people DIE for DIABETES. Quietly, you can be one of them. Learn.

  • há 7 anos
It's no joke. THOUSANDS of people lose their lives every year with diabetes and so many diseases caused by diabetes.

Learn these signs and take care of yourself .:

1) Are you going to much to the bathroom?

Where you have diabetes, your body is more efficient at breaking down sugar foods, so you have more sugar sitting in your bloodstream. Your body gets rid of it by cleaning it in the urine

2) Feeling more thirsty than usual?
Too much urination will also make you feel dry. Avoid juices, soft drinks and a million chocolate - pack the bloodstream with excess sugar, which can lead to the problem again

3) Do you feel very hungry and tremble?
High sugar content indicates that your body has trouble regulating your glucose. If you eat something high in carbohydrates, your body shoots a little too much insulin, and the glucose drops quickly, making you feel shaky

4) Do you have continuous fatigue?
It is an important clue to watch, and it may mean the food you are eating is not breaking all the energy from the foods.

5) Feeling moody or depressed?
When your blood sugar is out of the blow, you can become more tempered. In fact, high blood sugar can mimic symptoms similar to depression

6) Are your wounds healing more slowly?
The immune system does not work so well when your sugar is high. This could be an important sign in diabetes

7) Feeling in the feet and legs of hardening or cramp?
High levels of sugar can cause complications well before you have diabetes - one of these is mild damage to the nerve, can cause numbness in the feet

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