U.S. Is Open to Removing Sudan From Terrorism List, Diplomat Says

  • 7 years ago
U.S. Is Open to Removing Sudan From Terrorism List, Diplomat Says
Earlier this week, Mr. Bashir said that he wanted to close all of the displacement camps in Darfur, which he said had
"recovered." "The United States does not support any unilateral efforts" to close the camps, Mr. Sullivan said.
Deputy Secretary of State John J. Sullivan said the United States was willing to consider removing Sudan from the its list of state
sponsors of terrorism if Sudan continued to make progress on counterterrorism cooperation, human rights and other key issues.
He praised the Sudanese government’s "positive steps" over the past 18 months, including counterterrorism cooperation, expanded humanitarian access
and what he called the "end" of Sudan’s "destabilizing actions in South Sudan." Based on the government’s track record, Mr. Sullivan said, the United States will continue to work with Sudan toward its eventual removal from the list of state sponsors of terrorism.
16, 2017
NAIROBI, Kenya — A month after the Trump administration formally lifted decades-old sanctions against Sudan, a top official said on Thursday
that the United States would consider removing Sudan from its list of state sponsors of terrorism, a designation that has been in place since 1993.
Mr. Sullivan said the United States would nevertheless continue to press Sudan on human rights issues.
Mr. Sullivan said he raised those issues in a two-day visit to Khartoum, the Sudanese capital.