• 7 years ago
German Newspaper Catalogs 33,293 Who Died Trying to Enter Europe
"And at the same time we want to show that every line tells a story and
that the list keeps getting longer every day." The list also seemed to show that, while recent attention has focused on people fleeing since the so-called Arab Spring of 2011, the lure of a new life in Europe long predates turmoil in the Middle East.
13, 2017
LONDON — They were the ones who did not make it; the ones who perished seeking a new life in Europe;
the ones the people smugglers consigned to frail craft doomed to founder in the Mediterranean Sea.
The German newspaper Der Tagesspiegel has sought to build a monument in print to them, cataloging the 33,293 people who, it said, died between 1993
and 2017 fleeing war, poverty and oppression in their own countries.
Der Tagesspiegel said the asylum-seekers, refugees
and migrants on its list had died "as a result of the restrictive policies of Fortress Europe," both at the continent’s outer borders or after arriving in Europe itself.
In September 2016, for instance, 443 unidentified people — "region of origin — Africa" — died in a ship wreck off Egypt.
Then, by contrast, there was the individual pathos of brevity as in the case on Sept. 16, 2017, of a 14-year-old boy named R. Oryakhal, "struck by
a car near Calais when he fell from the truck he had climbed on to try to reach Great Britain." The newspaper printed 100,000 copies of The List.


