How to get back in swimming shape

  • 7 years ago
Getting back in shape is difficult in any sport but it is specially difficult in swimming. I believe that it is because humans are not made for swimming but we are very good adapting to new environments. So the more time you spend in the water the more you will develop a feel for how to move effectively through the water. As Michael phelps said

I went 5 straight years without missing a single work out. 365 days. Every single day I was in the water. And in the sport of swimming when you miss one day it takes you two days to get back. So I was already that much, continuing to built up on that throughout that time.

Chances are you already know this if you have missed practice or had a couple of weeks off. so what is the fastest way to get back in shape?

Well if you have missed one week or so, then there is no way around it. You just have to power through the first few practices and then everything gets progressively better. However, if you have missed a month or more of swimming practices and you are used to swimming almost every day or every other day then you should take it slow. I know that your first instinct will be to sprint at the first chance you have, but that is when you are most likely to get injured. Your body has gotten used to not swimming, so you need to take it a little slower. For the first few practices you need to swim at 70 or 80% effort. You need to develop that feel for the water again and that only comes after spending a few hours in the pool. After a week or so you will feel better in the water but you will still need to develop endurance. This is when you need to focus on your goal and just keep going.

If you are going to miss practice and want to suffer less to get back in shape, you can do some aerobic work while you are away from the pool, like running or jumping rope. However keep in mind that there is nothing that substitutes swimming. So the easiest way to get in shape is to try to avoid being away from a swimming pool for long.

Remember, if you have been away from the pool for a while you will feel awful, but keep in mind this is temporary. Hold on and keep swimming.

This video was inspired by on of your comments.
Let’s keep this conversation going. Let me know in the comments what you struggle with, either mentally or physically.

Michael Phelps interview

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