How to minimize air pollution

  • 7 years ago
1.) Avoid using car daily
Instead of using your car, you can travel by public transit to avoid more harmful emissions that come from vehicles. If you are working, suggest car pool to your co-workers or ride with a co-worker that lives near you.

2.) Don't smoke
Smoking can cause air pollution and can be very dangerous to our health. It does not only endanger the person smoking but also the people around him. Smoke from cigarettes release thousands of pollutants in the form of small particles which is called particulate matter. Furthermore, studies show that air pollution produced by cigarettes or tobacco is 10 times greater than the emissions by diesel cars.

3.) Learn to recycle
Recycling can help a lot in minimizing air pollution because when we recycle and reuse the things we have, lesser things need to be produced by factories and this helps lessen air pollution.

4.) Plant trees
Planting trees even in your backyard can help clean the air we breathe because trees produce oxygen we need.

5.) Save energy
Save energy at home or in the office by turning appliances and light off when not in use can help lessen air pollution. You can also save money by cutting off electricity consumption.

6.) Clean your home as often as possible
Cleaning your home can remove dust and air pollutants and make your home safer and healthier for your family to stay.

7.) Select the products you buy
Buy products that are reusable and eco-friendly. When shopping, you can use a canvas bag instead of a plastic bag.

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