Natural Magical slimming and detoxification Tea lo lose weight fast in just 2 weeks

  • 7 years ago
The basic natural remedies for weight loss or prevention of obesity are:
• Being careful about the food intake. It should be less oily, spicy and fatty.
• Not being lazy but active and distributing your time proportionately between work, play and rest.
• Being a no-no to smoking and alcoholism. These cause serious complications in bodies with excessive fat.
• Exercising regularly. Breathing exercises or 'Pranayam' or yogic asanas are very helpful.
• Avoiding foods that are rich in carbohydrates.
• Including more direct natural edibles such as fruits and raw salad.
• Avoiding red meat.
• Living stress free and optimistic life.
• Drinking plenty of natural water.
• Taking lukewarm water after meals.
• Not eating refined flour.
• Avoiding excess use of salt.
• Having natural products with or direct dosage of ashwagandha, amla, aloewera, lemon, ajwain, bitter-products like gourds, etc.
• Skipping one time meals or having five hour gapped meals or splitting the meals into lesser servings.