Charges Against Manafort Resonate Among Ukrainians

  • 7 years ago
Charges Against Manafort Resonate Among Ukrainians
31, 2017
KIEV, Ukraine — The charges against Paul J. Manafort and an associate involve allegations of tax fraud in the United States, but anticorruption groups in Kiev say
that Mr. Manafort profited from financial wrongdoing in their country and that it cost the Ukrainian people dearly.
that The money that they gained through corruption can never be safe in any country.
"The arrest of Manafort is very positive, and a long-awaited event,’’ said Yaroslav Yurchyshyn, director
in Kiev of Transparency International, which has been tracking money laundering in Ukraine for years.
Even if Ukraine cannot recover the money, the indictment sends a message to those still benefiting from corruption
in Ukraine, Oksana I. Syroyid, the deputy speaker of Ukraine’s Parliament, said in a telephone interview.
Two groups of Ukrainian prosecutors have examined the ledger
but neither has opened a criminal case in Ukraine against Mr. Manafort, saying there is no proof he actually received the money.
Handwritten payment records discovered after that revolution suggest
that Mr. Manafort was compensated, at least in part, from a party slush fund of off-the-books political contributions, pointing to one possible origin of the money described in the federal indictment.
