Insync Physiotherapy Move Those Hips!

  • 7 years ago
Insync Physiotherapy
4088 Cambie St. #102
Vancouver, BC   V5Z 2X8
Hi My name is Iyad. I’m a Physiotherapist at INSYNC PHYSIOTHERAPY. Uh… today I’m going to show an exercise that’s aimed to improved hip mobility. Some people that may really benefit from this are people having a problem getting into a deep squat because of some tension into the hip and they want to be able to bend a lot easier. ahh… Some people who shouldn’t be doing this are people who have had hip surgery or hip replacement - So you should consult with your professional before you try something like this. So to do this you’re going to need a belt, a very simple belt, any belt will suffice… there’s nothing fancy to it. And you’re going to get lying on your back… So have a towel right over your hip and you’re going to put the strap closer over the groin as possible. Your going to bend the knee to your chest while the other foot pushes the belt down to give you some of that force going downwards. So you’re going to apply a gentle force as you progressively move your knee closer to your chest. You hold this for about ten seconds… once it’s sat there for about ten seconds you’ll notice it moves a bit easier and you’ll be able to take it a bit further. So usually I do this for about 5 repetitions at 10 seconds at a time, twice a day, or as instructed by your professional.
