FURBY Ultimate Farting Review NEW (Sadly Furby Died in Jan new and Revived in March)

  • il y a 7 ans
FURBY has had a reboot and comes with a ton of attitude. This toy has a mind of its own. The robotics of FURBY are still there but the brain has changed. FURBY res with the environment, he loves to be spoken to and enjoys music. He knows when there is rough play or love. Watch out when FURBY does a phase change, literally anything can happen.\r
FURBY learns English quite fast and has a real passion for farting and burping. Yep FURBY has a mind of its own, its loaded with a ton of surprises. Its a very impressive toy and potentially the No 1 toy for Christmas new\r
I paid $80 for my FURBY which had a discount of 20% because it was being launched as a new toy for new.\r
There is a free apple app related to this toy to enhance the play ability of FURBY but as I show its not needed. FURBY works fine without the app.\r
Web Links :\r
Feed it, speak to it, tickle it, play music for it and shake, tilt or turn FURBY upside down, over time you shape FURBYS personality. Whether yours is a music loving FURBY dancing to the latest beats or a mischievous FURBY looking for a laugh, each creatures likes and dislikes are molded by the way you play. From hip hop to pop, pizza or sushi, it responds differently depending on your FURBYs personality, even if its a loud burp after a big meal. With a wide range of unexpected reions, the interive FURBY has a mind of its own and will let its owner know how it feels through aof emoticons displayed in its expressive LED eyes. When owners first bring FURBY home it will speak FURBISH, and the more FURBY inters with its owner, the more English it will start speaking. Each FURBY can also recognize another FURBY; place two side-by-side and they will inter, including dancing to the same tune or having a conversation. For additional interive FURBY fun, use this FURBY app to virtually feed FURBY, access a FURBISH-to-English dictionary and use the FURBISH-to-English translator. FURBY is available at most major toy retailers nationwide and on HasbroToyShop.com.\r
About Apples Free Apps which have very expensive In-App charges.\r