15 Incredible Real Life Heroes

  • il y a 7 ans
From a pregnant woman saving two boys who were drowning to celebrities being ually real like heroes in their lives its amazing!!\r
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7. Teenager Saves Boy From Drowning\r
Kole Devisscher was driving his truck by the Red River in Winnipeg, Canada in the winter of new when he saw a truly horrifying sight. A young boy was trapped in the ice and struggling to get out. Acting quickly Devisscher made a loop out of the rope of his trucks tow strap and told the boy to put it around his shoulders. The plan worked and the boy was successfully pulled out of the river. The boy recovered from the incident and Devisscher was honored with an award for his bravery. \r
6. Student Saves Bus Full of Children\r
A bus was taking children to school in Washington in new. Suddenly, the bus driver lost consciousness and started flailing uncontrollably as the bus started to careen out of control. Thinking quickly and inspired by a superhero book he was reading, 13 year old Jeremy Wuitschick ran to the front of the bus, gained control of the vehicle and took the keys out of the ignition. Sadly the driver was having a heart attack and did not survive, but if not for one boys efforts the situation could have been a lot worse.\r
5. U.S. Airways Emergency River Landing\r
Commercial airline pilot Chesley Sullenberger had been a pilot for 29 years when he got the test of his life on January 15, new. While taking off from New Yorks LaGuardia Airport his passenger plane struck a flock of geese. The situation was too dire for Sullenberger to try an emergency landing at LaGuardia, so his only option was to ditch the jet in the Hudson River. The plan was a success and all 155 people onboard the flight survived the incident. Sullenberger became an instant hero and retired a year later to focus on speaking about the importance of flight safety. \r
4. United 93\r
September 11, 2001 will always be remembered as one of the most tragic days in Americas history. Thousands of lives were taken as a result of terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington D.C. United 93 was one of the planes hijacked on that day and its intended target was either the White House or the Capitol building. Before the terrorists could reach their destination, the passengers of the plane overpowered the terrorists. The plane crashed into a rural area of Pennsylvania, killing all 44 aboard. Who knows how many lives were saved thanks to the efforts of the superheros aboard United 93.\r
3. Rapid City Savior\r
Before mass shootings became such a tragically normal occurrence an incident took place that could have been yet another school massacre. Instead it is a story of heroic courage in the face of a dire situation. On September 11, 1991 17 year old Ryan Harris entered Stevens High School in Rapid City, South Dakota, walked into a math class, demanded the teacher leave, and held the remaining 22 students hostage with a 12 gauge sawed-off shotgun. After 4 hours of making demands that ranged from cigarettes to one million dollars Harris became slightly complacent and put his gun down. Seizing the opportunity one of the students immediately lunged for the gun. Chris Ericks won the ensuing tug of war and overpowered Harris.\r
2 Pregnant Woman Saves Drowning Boys\r
Two boys unable to swim were being pulled beneath the oceans surface crying for help on an Australian beach. When none of the beachgoers immediately did anything Lauren Prezioso, who was 8 months pregnant at the time, swam out and grabbed a boy in each of her arms. She wasnt quite able to make it back to the shore with both boys, but luckily an equally heroic man pulled the three to safety. \r
1. Man Tackles Suicide Bomber\r
Terrorist attacks have also become frighteningly commonplace. One took place in November of new that claimed 45 lives. As terrible as this is it could have been a lot worse if not for one brave man. A suicide bomber detonated himself in Beirut, the capital of Lebanon. Adel Termos, who was near the scene with his daughter, noticed a second suicide bomber moving towards onlookers who were gathering at the scene of the first explosion. Making a split second decision, he tackled the bomber, causing him to detonate before reaching the crowd. This incredibleof heroism cost Termos his life, but saved a countless number of people.
