Che Guevara’s Fiery Life and Bloody Death

  • 7 years ago
Che Guevara’s Fiery Life and Bloody Death
On that occasion, in October 1997, Fidel Castro described him as "the paradigm of the revolutionary"
who is "everywhere there is a just cause to defend," The Times reported.
The next day, the nature of his death became clearer: "A medical report indicated today
that Ernesto Che Guevara was slain at least 24 hours after his capture in the southeastern jungle on Sunday," The Times reported.
Bolivia tted that admi
Castro read aloud a letter he said he had received from Guevara that said: "I feel I have completed the duty which the Cuban revolution gave me.
The day after he was shot to death in a village schoolhouse by Bolivian forces, the third sentence of a front-page New York Times article warned, "Mr.
Before all that, though, there was the man, an Argentine-born doctor who first arrived on the world
stage during the Cuban revolution, when he became a trusted comrade of Fidel and Raúl Castro.
I say farewell to you." He added, "Other nations require my services
and I must leave you." Those nations included Congo, where a six-month revolutionary effort failed, and then Bolivia, where he found himself on the run from the country’s army, which was aided by the C.I.A.


