What Europe REALLY thinks of Brexit – the truth behind the EU member states

  • 7 years ago
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What Europe REALLY thinks of Brexit – the truth behind the EU member states
THERESA May's European Union (EU) counterparts have revealed what they really think about Britain’s Brexit in a shock survey. The divorce bill is a major sticking point for Paris and French President Emmanuel Macron has thrown his weight behind EU negotiator Michel Barnier. France is eager to smooth over trade relations and wants an appropriate framework drawn up for financial services. Germany’s Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble warned Britain there is “no free lunch” as the survey showed Angela Merkel’s top priority is to settle financial arrangements. Brexit is not the number one priority for Angela Merkel who has been busy campaigning for elections this weekend. The German Chancellor has stressed she is focused on the future of the EU 27. And Berlin is eager to clear up the divorce bill before discussions can move on.  According to the Bloomberg survey Brexit is not a priority for Italy, with Rome focused on immigration, euro zone reform and social justice. Sandro Gozi, junior minister for European affairs, said: “Brexit is number four.” Italy, like other member of the EU27, wants the divorce bill to be finalised. And Italy is hoping a transitional period can be arranged which would see Britain remain in the single market and customs union. Greece wants Britain’s financial obligations to be settled and according to the Bloomberg survey the Foreign Ministry does not think  “sufficient progress” on the divorce bill has been achieved in time for the October summit. Portuguese Foreign Minister Augusto Santos Silva also told Bloomberg News, the UK “must assume entirely the financial commitments” it made as a member of the EU. He said: “It’s clear for everyone that an agreement about the issue of citizens and the issue of financial commitments is the best way to ensure that negotiations on other issues conclude successfully.” Others urged for “clarity”, with Spanish foreign minister Alfono Dastis saying: “We need some clarity about what the UK really wants.“We want to know really that they are determined to achieve a deep and constructive partnership.”Meanwhile, the survey showed a handful of EU members who were keen to stress Brexit was not an important issue. Sandro Gozi, junior minister for European affairs, said “Brexit is number four” on Italy’s priority list for Europe, behind immigration, euro-area reform and social justice. Sweden’s EU Minister Ann Linde said: “Brexit is a very important issue with great concern. But it’s not one of our top foreign-policy concerns”. This was backed by the Czech government who stressed Brexit “cannot be the issue that defines or dominates foreign policy, both on the national and EU level,” according to Ales Chmelar, state secretary for European affairs. 

Denmark, like Germany, is eager to clear up the divorce bill. Foreign Minister Anders Samuelson said: “We need a clearer sense of where the Brits are on the Brexit costs. “It would be very nice if we could get a clear message on where the British are. “The more concrete the message she gives, the better.”Copenhagen feels not enough progress has been made on talks to look to future relations. Finland also agreed talks could not be moved on if Britain had not agreed to pay up.Finnish Finance Minister Petteri Orpo said. “So I don’t consider it likely that we could move forward on the agenda in October.“According to my knowledge, adequate progress has not been achieved on these topics." And Finland also wants citizens rights and the Irish border question to be resolved before talks can continue. . 00FastNews. Please Subscribe!

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