Mr. Robot Season 3 Interview - Christian Slater

  • 7 years ago
I think at the core there is a real love for Elliot, my main mission is to protect him at all costs, you know sometimes even to his detriment.
When I first read the script for season three I was very excited of course, very surprised, I think it's going to be a genuine rampage on your brain, certainly a very exciting ride, very streamlined, edgy, competitive season. You'll see the lengths that Mr. Robot is willing to go to, nothing is going to get in Robot's way, you can certainly expect there will be some twists and some turns and some unexpected things, and everything that you thought you knew you don't.
One of the wonderful things about season three that I am enjoying the most, Elliot and Mr. Robot are disintegrating, I mean they're finding their own individuality, so it's providing me the opportunity to work with all the other actors in the show.
One of the things I loved about season two was just how Sam fleshed out so many of the other characters, and that's only made season three stronger I think because now we know so much more about Darlene and Angela and all these other characters, and then we're also introduced to some new ones, you know Bobby Cannavale is certainly a very interesting character. It's exciting to be around that, and be a part of that, and to work opposite that.
Certainly Sam Esmail has some phenomenal insights into the direction the country was going, the direction technology was going, and the incredible dangers that we were going to be facing, and now our democracy truly has been hacked, being a part of this show has certainly raised my levels of awareness about those dangers, and the scary thing is just how easy it is for a lot of these hacks to be done, I don't think people realise, you know, just how possible it is to break into somebody's computer and steal their identity so it's frightening.