Far-left coup: Labour election rules 'fiddled' by Corbynistas to consolidate power

  • 7 years ago
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Far-left coup: Labour election rules 'fiddled' by Corbynistas to consolidate power
THE Labour Party executive is trying to fiddle leader election rules in order to consolidate power for the far-left, an activist has warned. Appearing on Newsnight, he said: “It’s welcomed that it’s not five per cent [which was John McDonnell’s proposal]. That would have meant we could have had a potential contest between 19 candidates.“Now it’s just nine, and I say it’s only down to nine, but I still think a contest between nine Labour MPs would be ridiculous."He added: “That means people could be elected in the Labour Party based on the seventh, eighth or ninth preference out of nine candidates. “What we are seeing today coming out the leader’s office is not a report in how we harness members into becoming a campaigning force, it’s how do we fiddle about with the rules to consolidate power to the left.“What is the point in having a review like that that causes the Labour Party to be totally focussed on itself and not those they want to serve?”The party elections are conducted via the alternative voting system, in which votes are distributed proportionately based on people’s ranking choice. If someone doesn’t get an overall majority of 50 per cent in the first round then the person who came last has their votes redistributed to the other candidates in a series of rounds until there is an overall majority.It could mean that someone who comes ninth under first past the post could become a final contender or even win.But Labour MP for Derby North and shadow Fire Secretary Chris Williamson has welcomed the changes. Mr Williamson also speaking on Newsnight said: “The important thing to say here that it’s a huge victory for democracy.“What I think is more significant is the democracy review that will be embarked upon now to look at how we can involve this mass movement in the development of policy.“It is a huge weapon at our disposal now, membership has almost tripled in two years since Jeremy Corbyn became the leader.” When pushed to respond to the grievances of Mr Pound by Newnight's Emily Maitlis, Mr Williamson added: “In a democracy, in a mass movement that the Labour Party is, it is important that people are represented in a leadership election process.“From the right of the Party, right the way through to the common sense socialist wing of the Labour Party.”. 00FastNews. Please Subscribe!

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