New arrivals at the International Space Station

  • 7 years ago
There’ve been some new arrivals onboard the International Space Station.

A Soyuz capsule docked there on Wednesday, having blasted off from Kazakhstan five and a half hours earlier, and using the recently accelerated docking procedure.

The Soyuz MS-06 spacecraft launches from the Baikonur Cosmodrome with Exp. 53 crewmembers Alexander Misurkin, AstroAcaba & Astro_Sabot.— Angelina Ballerina (@LiNa8294) September 13, 2017

The team

First through the hatch was Russian cosmonaut, Alexander Misurkin, who’s on his second trip into space.

American Joe Acaba was next to greet the three crew members already at the station. He was selected for astronaut training whilst working as a maths and science teacher, and is on his third mission.

Last to arrive was another American. It’s Mark Vande Hei’s first time in space.

Leaving for dinner. Goodbye normal bed for half a year w AstroAcaba Astro_Maker AntonAstrey S. Walker and С. Мисуркин— Mark T. Vande Hei (Astro_Sabot) September 12, 2017

The three team members will spend five months conducting experiments in orbit.
