Trump Reportedly Had Trouble Finding A Place To Stay In Hamburg For G20 Summit

  • 7 years ago
Accommodating attendees of the G20 summit requires about 9,000 hotel rooms, all of which were apparently claimed by the time the White House tried to snag a few for President Trump and his staff.

The G20 summit is bringing not just world leaders to Hamburg, Germany, but their entourages as well. 
Accommodating them requires about 9,000 hotel rooms, all of which were apparently claimed by the time the White House tried to snag a few for President Trump and his staff, reports BuzzFeed News.
While his fellow leaders are luxuriating in their rooms at the Four Seasons, Park Hyatt, and other swanky hospitality properties, Trump, according to the Associated Press, will stay at Hamburg’s Senate guesthouse. 
His staff is reportedly bunking down at the city’s U.S. Consulate General. 
Both places are no doubt able to provide the restful nights the president and his people will need to bring their ‘A’ games to the summit.
Topics likely to be discussed at the gathering of world leaders are North Korea, climate change, and trade.
CBC News notes that Trump will also meet separately with Russian president Vladimir Putin though it’s unclear what the two will talk about. 
Derek Chollet, a former Obama administration staffer, said that regardless of what comes up, "I expect an Olympian level of macho posturing." 


