Cancer July 2017 Astrology Predictions: Avoid Impatience Leading To Conflicts, Temper And Accidents

  • 7 years ago
You have entered a cycle of prosperity last month on the 21st and it continues in the month ahead. The Sun your financial planet remains in your 1st house until the 22nd bringing financial windfalls & opportunity to you.

Money & opportunities seek you out rather than vice versa. Just go about your daily business and prosperity will find you on the 22nd the Sun moves into your money house and you enter a yearly financial peak a period of peak earnings. The Sun in Leo indicates happy money, you have great financial confidence now, you might get a bit speculative during this period - as you would feel lucky. Speculate according to your intuition.

Mars enters the money house on the 20th and and spends the rest of the month there.This gives incentive that you could use your intuitions for your speculative behavior.

Your financial goals will be well supportive by everyone who is close to you. Even the government is favorably disposed to you by now. In case you have issues with the higher authority then now is the time to deal with them from 20th onward.

Mars entered your 1st house on June 4th and remains there till the 20th giving you energy and charisma, helping you to get things done in time. So impatience is best avoided as rushing can lead to conflicts, temper tantrums and accidents.

Health remains excellent as energies levels will remain high and strongest especially when the moon waxes from the 23rd onward. Health & energy remain happy and satisfying.

Your love planet Saturn is still retrograde so love remains under review though you should see happy improvements from the 20th onward. Love happens as you pursue your work and financial goals.

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God Bless
Dolly Manghat
